The ghost dancer: by preye princess
Episode 1
once upon a time, there lived this old lady named ijaka. She was kind and very popular in her town for her great singing and dancing talents. Ijaka do not have any family left, they all died in a rare fire outbreak when she was 16, the fire brought down their house and took the lives of her mother, father and brother. She was banned as a witch cause she was no where to be found when the incident happened.
Ijaka lived in a old hut where everyone forbids to be. In this community she had many enemies that wanted to bring her down. Unfortunately they did.
Ijaka was well known and had lots of friends, she had her own farmland which she used to plant and sell to survive.
Ijaka went to her farm with a cutlass and never returned.
Many people claims they saw her going to her farm while some says she might have left the community because of shame.
years and years passed until this dazzling beauty appeared in the community.
Follow up for more.